Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gravel. Suckage.

Today was Poolesville. Today was bad for me. Everything felt pretty okay on the first lap, but as the second lap started I "decided" to keep my own pace, not try to stay on with group, expecting that I would pick some time back up on the Gravel (I've been blasting a lot of gravel lately) and in the hills when things tend to bunch back up. Then I rode into the ditch @ the gravel entrance and had to wait for the Women's 3/4 to pass me before I could get back to moving (I'd guess that alone cost me 2 minutes). By then end, I started to feel like I might have been able to catch back on, had I not ended up in the ditch... but.... the DITCH. At least I stayed upright when I rode off the road!!!!

Oh well.. life is good. I finished, with a group (if not the group), and I am not ashamed of my performance. Additionally my awesome wife and extracute daughter were there to cheer for me.

Now I just need to find out what my actually finishing position was.. if they even counted it!!!!

Beers tonight.

Amended with Results: 39th of 49 starters. Ugh. I would like to toss a thank you out to Chas Ryan (Potomac Velo), who worked with me to catch back on to the bigger group in front of us. Next time you see me @ a race, I'll have an extra beer in the Cooler, just for you.

1 comment:

  1. John, great to ride with you the last lap or so. I did not have much in the legs that day so a frustrating day overall.
