Friday, July 20, 2012

Giro di I did CRAPPY

Saturday July 14th, Bastille Day. Race day. For the first time, the start time for Cat5 was in the afternoon, not at 0'dark early. Not only that, but for mid July 2012, the weather was downright cool.. only 90 degrees or so, of course the humidity was relatively outrageous..

I am not sure if the weather or late start contributed to my crapiness, or if my aggravated sinuses and general life exhaustion were to blame. But here's the race summary:

The drive out to Barnesville was pleasant, and I had plenty of time to stop for an espresso on the way. Got there a bit early, signed in, pinned up the numbers and set out my extremely short 3 km warm up .. mostly making sure the bike was shifting, braking and otherwise functioning properly.

Got to the line a couple minutes early and ended up lined up on the front. I was trying to reconstruct the course in my mind, as I know that Nick (Bradford) and I had ridden it (if not in as a course, at least we had ridden every chunk road in the course) over the course of our Poolesville recon earlier in the year. As the ride started out, I remembered that this was a HILLY course.. and I have been packing on weight lately.. up about 10 pounds from the beginning of race season.... and I started to worry.. but then I looked up and I was off the front.. not by 10 feet or anything silly either, like a quarter of a mile..

F^CK. I didn't want to get out and work. F^CK. I didn't mean to take a flier. F^CK. F^CK. F^CK. I shut myself down and let the pack absorb me, and then I just tried to ride the course, do ZERO work, and stay attached. Basically, that worked until the finishing straight (or, as those who have ridden the course know it, the goddamned hill), and all of a sudden I was struggling to keep attached.. struggling.

The big bomber descent off the finishing climb was OKAY, but by the second little climb, I was off the back and totally disconnected. Worse, there couldn't be more than 3 or 4 people swinging in the wind behind me. I was blowing up and realized that I was NOT going to make it back. Then the internal debate started. I had 9 interminable miles of internal argument. It went something like this:

"Do I try to finish, or just give up on and go back to the car this lap?"

"Maybe others in front of me will start to drop? Maybe if I can finish I won't place THAT badly"

"Oh screw this. Holy crap when did it get so hot?!?!?"

And on like that for the next 30 minutes or so. I can't explain how awful it feels to be blown up, off the back, and riding past all the corner marshals. They all try to be so encouraging, "work together", "keep it up" or " you got this"..... But frankly, you know when you are off the back that you just can't cut the mustard. Maybe it's a bad day, or maybe you didn't train as hard you thought you did and your form is poor, or maybe you just aren't any good at that kind of course, but no matter what the reason, you are off the back, screaming at yourself internally. Bad names. Bad feelings. Bad Juju.

Ah well, as I rode past the Barnesville School, I decided to keep going to the finish line and let them know that I was done. At least they'd know not to worry about me (although, based on an NCVC story I heard, they don't apparently worry anyway). As I rode up to the line the chief ref pulled me saying "you're done, don't worry, I'll give you a place" and there were a bunch of others sitting at the finish with their bikes, probably feeling about like I did. Still.. they did finish ahead of me...

So, one minor complaint. It's a 2 mile ride from the finish back to the parking lot. That sucks when you are out of fluids, and your ego is crushed and you hate every fiber of yourself. It's freaking hilly and open to traffic too.

Moral of the story, I gotta get better at climbing or stop entering road races here in MABRAland.

Here's the requisite Garmin Data.

USA Cycling says I finished 32nd of 44 entered (7 folks Did Not Start). UGH.

I'll post pictures if I can find any ;-)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Luray... $#^$&@#^$!!!!!!!!

First off, I want to point out that this is not a complaint, and I am in no way unhappy with Chris Gould and/or the Promoters of The Tour of Page County. They are awesome and handled everything about this weekend as well as (or better than!) should be expected.

However, this isn't my piece on how awesome they are, it's my story of my weekend in Luray, 2012. 

The 2011 Hangover

I should point out that last year I entered the ToPC and got demoralizingly destroyed by it. I know (and have always known) that climbing is definitely a weak spot, but I wasn't expecting to get dropped on the first "hill" of the road race, or to abandon the crit by lap 3. I was in no way prepared for how hard the road race was or how staggeringly awful the crit was. 

Last year's resounding failure made me keep at this whole "racing" thing this year. I penciled June 30th in as my major goal for the year, and had aimed (what passes for) my training towards being in much better shape this time. And I am. I am fitter, leaner, harder, and considerably faster than I was at this point last year.

The Race Approaches

So as last weekend approached I was getting STOKED! I was READY! I had FORM! I might not suck @ss!!

And then I saw the weather forecast. Highs near 100, head indexes near 110...

I said,"I'll be fine. I'll pack ice socks!"

Then my riding buddy and co-worker decided to back out due to workload (actual office work) and the hell hot...

and I said "It'll just be a little more expensive... I already have all the details worked out.. I'll be fine!"

As it Begins

So Friday after work, I packed up the family truckster (I call him Big Roy, the truck about town) and headed out to Luray. I managed to get on the road before 4:00 PM, and got to Luray around 7:00 (some traffic in Gainesville and a Coffee stop slowed me down). I noticed that my throat had a bit of a tickle, but I chalked that up to the heat. 

 I checked into my Hotel (the unglamorous and not recommended Best Western Intown of Luray) and unloaded the truck I decided to pre-drive the road course to make sure I knew what was coming while the sun was still up, and the course looked really awesome!!! Basically, nice country roads that were moderately hilly, but with no extended climbs. Something I MIGHT be able to be good on. 

I decided to head on over to the "Speakeasy" bar and grill @ the Mimslyn Inn for dinner and a cocktail (hoping that the booze would help me sleep and cure that "tickle" in the back of my throat). The music was cheesy, and the service was iffy, but the food was pretty okay and the drink helped a bit with the tickle.

Around 9:00, I went back to my room and decided to check over the bike one last time (the wheels/tires story will get posted another day). After a quick check up, I packed up the race bag and was all set to go in the morning. 

Then the DERECHO decided to swing through town. Holy cow that was a serious and scary storm. Needless to day the Best Western lost power, as did most of Luray. I was on the phone with Jodi (my beloved wife who allows me the indulgence of this expensive hobby with grace), who lost power about 30 minutes after we did in Luray. 

So I set my alarm, and said "we'll see how I feel in the morning."

Well.. I slept for about 20 minutes. Mostly I just tossed and turned and sweated. When my alarm went off @ 6:00, I got up, the tickle had turned into a serious sore throat and a cough. I brushed my teeth (in the dark) and then walked to the lobby (maybe they new when the power would be back on... which they didn't).  

I said "I'll just head up to the start and see what's going on. Maybe I'll feel better if I get moving."

It also Ends

At the Luray high school, I checked in with the few folks who were getting organized. The word at the time was a 2 or 3 hour delay so they could clear the course..... I started doing the temperature math.. and decided that my exhausted, coughing body was going to get dropped fast if I decided to stick it I bolted. I went back to the hotel, gathered and cleared the room, and checked out. I was on the road before 7:00. Turns out they cancelled the road stage entirely. 

On the drive home I discovered that Luray had limited power (only the east side of town from what I could tell). Sperryville was dark (no breakfast for me here!). Got to Warrenton and finally found something with power (yay Starbucks). Made it home by around 9:00. Found the wife and daughter cleaning up the downed tree limbs in the yard... 

And so went my weekend. Instead of the peak of the season, it was my lost weekend / staycation. We stayed in two different hotels while we waited for the power to come back, which was better than sweating at home, but only just.

I am extremely sad about DNS'ing the TOPC. It was supposed to be the peak of my season. But I have to move on. Next year, I'll be back and in even better shape!

Now I am really glad I signed up for the Giro di Coppi.... I have one last chance to claim that my season was good...

P.S. -->

Anyone in MABRAland who wants a refund or wished the race could have been rescheduled is cracked in the head. Getting an event like this off the ground is extremely challenging, and sometimes, life screws it up. Rescheduling is nearly impossible, and the promoters already spent the money they raised, I guarantee it). You don't like it, tough. Deal. Grow the f^ck up.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Crystal Ride 2012

So last year, in 2011, the event that made me decide to start taking this biking thing seriously was the Air Force Cycling Classic. Somehow or another, I convinced the CEO of my company to sponsor a Team entry in the Crystal Ride. I got a group of six riders together, organized some training rides, got a full kit made, and managed to raise more money than any other corporate team! We did great last year, and of course had to do it again this year. 

This year, Team GC Velo (Gibbs & Cox Maritime Solutions), did an even job. For the second year in a row, we were the leading fundraiser (helped by a generous 1 for 1 corporate match) and, according to the results, we came in second in the corporate lap race to none other thank LMCO. 

4 riders (myself included) completed 7 laps (105 KM) inside the time limit (3.5 hours)! This includes a guy who's ridden seriously for about a month! The other two riders managed the full Gold Medal level 6 laps (90 KM) inside the time limit! That's a team mileage total of 600KM!!!!! 

I couldn't help but cop the Lance VII when I was finishing up my seventh lap. I know it was douchetastic. 

The ride was great, hot but not oppressive (and being the boy scout that I am, I had ICE SOCKS in my cooler in the corporate tent). Nick Bradford (NCVC, also rides for GC Velo in this event) kept reminding me to stop pulling (as we were towing about 80 riders behind us for 3 or 4 laps! 

HERE is my garmin data, just cause YOU KNOW you want to see it!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Like Mr. Pickett said... RIDE SALLY RIDE

Saturday was the first Crit of the year for me, and I'd like to take this chance to thank WWVC for putting on a very smooth race. As I had been informed, the course is FLAT, WIDE, and SAFE (a rare combination these days in MABRA land it seems). The first thing I noticed was all the NCVC riders.. (I think I counted 8, but I could be mistaken).

Rights reserved - Craig DuBois photographer
Well, the race was short, fast, and relatively calm. The first 3 - 4 laps were really quite fast, and the pack got really strung out and people started to pop off the back (not me for a change!). After that it settled into a stable, albeit reasonably brisk, pace. As you'd expect about 3 laps to go the pace started to pick up and people started throwing attacks off the front. I was near the back of the field and not in a position to attack, so I just rode on home with a sprint for a few more places just because the road was a million feet wide!

Final resutls? 25 of 46

NCVC won, what a shocker..

Monday, June 4, 2012

People who need to get upgraded!

A few weeks ago now, I decided to ride in the Greenbelt training race (hmm.. 5/23/2012 was the exact date). After getting thoroughly exploded by the crew racing in the "C" race, I was really, really, upset and really thought about hanging up the bike for the season.

Then I used the USA Cycling website to learn a few things about the folks who"podiumed" . 

First Place Matt Mcloone  (License #380188)

Okay, this 26 year old dude has entered 2 races (both Greenbelt) and placed 3rd in his first race, and 1st in second start. Who wins their 2nd start, ever? I hate this guy. Upgrade him fast!
Second Place Henry Tragle (License #375346)

This guy is my age at least (36), but only has this one start on his record. 2nd place in his 1st start. I hate this guy even more. If he wins or places highly in his next start, get him the hell outta here!

Third Place David Miller (License #375653) 

So, this 29 year old at least has a few starts. He's done Greenbelt a few times, All American, Walton Park and Wintergreen... wait wait.. did I see that right, he was 1st place in Cat 5 @ Wintergreen? Let's pull the string here.. he completed the wintergreen ascent in 36:50.8?!?!?!? That's REALLY FAST! That's... like.. wow..  the 7th fastest time this year, including the Pro's!!!!!! UPGRADE!

So, I still am crushed that I got crushed.. but at least these folks should end up in the 1's or 2's soon..... 

Ah racing. So bad at it. But I love it so much!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gravel. Suckage.

Today was Poolesville. Today was bad for me. Everything felt pretty okay on the first lap, but as the second lap started I "decided" to keep my own pace, not try to stay on with group, expecting that I would pick some time back up on the Gravel (I've been blasting a lot of gravel lately) and in the hills when things tend to bunch back up. Then I rode into the ditch @ the gravel entrance and had to wait for the Women's 3/4 to pass me before I could get back to moving (I'd guess that alone cost me 2 minutes). By then end, I started to feel like I might have been able to catch back on, had I not ended up in the ditch... but.... the DITCH. At least I stayed upright when I rode off the road!!!!

Oh well.. life is good. I finished, with a group (if not the group), and I am not ashamed of my performance. Additionally my awesome wife and extracute daughter were there to cheer for me.

Now I just need to find out what my actually finishing position was.. if they even counted it!!!!

Beers tonight.

Amended with Results: 39th of 49 starters. Ugh. I would like to toss a thank you out to Chas Ryan (Potomac Velo), who worked with me to catch back on to the bigger group in front of us. Next time you see me @ a race, I'll have an extra beer in the Cooler, just for you.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Carl Dolan

Okay, so this is way freaking late.. but I only decided to start this blog today... so  ;-)... content generator ON!.

So, Carl Dolan 2012.

First off. Well organized race. Nice folks, good course, sponsors. A guy with a mic working the crowd, and plenty of great folks.

Race Highlights: It was short. Fast, and I was doing alright. I over-reacted out of the last time through the only corner on the course, and as such blew up a bit on the rise before the finishing strait. Right after I got to the top, someone crossed the seam in the pavement, wobbled, made contact with someone else, and ... CARBON BOOM! I think 4 - 5 people went down, but all I really know is that I missed it.

I missed it, but I saw it. FUN was not had by all. I rode in 19th, and found that vaguely satisfactory. My major goal was to avoid the droppage that I suffered last year @ Luray / Page Valley, and I managed that.

Notes for others: The only gripe I have is that the ref's allowed a dude (obviously a tri-guy) to ride in Cat 5 on Hed 3 spoke aero rims (specifically not allowed by UCI in mass start rides). Not only was the tri-guy a little.... how to say this nicely.. attacky.... but also a bit... affected by winds and such. The reason these things aren't allowed in mass starts is because they are tricky in breeze. Next time, I'd be much happier if he got DQ'd or told to grab his training wheels (I bet he's got Ksyriums just like everyone else....)

Anyway, I was pleased.

Kicking it off.

Hi Reader(s)

I started this blog so I can find a damn team and stop calling myself unnattached!!!! I will post updates, event writeups, and (of course) links to good stuff from other blogs / media / videos as well. Once I have dominated the Cat5 scene in Mabraland (I winked when I said that), I am sure you will all be sad that you missed out having my awesomeness on your team!!!!

So really, here's a little micro biography.

Name: John McConnell
Occupation: Naval Architect
Location: Alexandria., Virginia
Marital Status: Married with toddler (2.5 years)
Hometown: Austin Texas

Vital Stats:
Finishing 19th @ Carl Dolan 2012
Racing Age: 37
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 84 Kilos (13 Stone)
Category: Cat5 road
Training Plan: Unfocused. Right now I am just trying to keep the wheels going round. Averaging about 100 miles a week.
Bikes: Wilier Izoard XP (Force), Lemond Poprad Cross (Rival) and one very old Specialized Stumpjumper frankencommuter (Steel! 7 speed XT! RIGID! WOO!!)

USA Cycling Standings:
(I make no attempt to understand these rankings)

ROAD RACE CAT 5 STANDINGS (as of 5/3/2012)
Rank in your zip code (22302): 1 of 1 (So there are no other Cat5's in my zip! I am still #1! )
Rank in your state (VA): 14 of 115 (12.17%)
Rank in your riding age (37): 16 of 122 (13.11%)
Rank in 5 year age range: (35-39) 57 of 603 (9.45%)
Rank in 10 year age range: (30-39) 103 of 1122 (9.18%)
Overall Rank: 539 of 4696 (11.48%)

Results and Planned Events

2012  Season
8/19/2012 - Dawg Days Circuit Race (planned)
7/14/2012 - Giro Di Coppi (planned)
7/1/2012 - Luray Criterium (planned)
6/30/2012 - Tour of Page County Road Race (planned)
6/10/2012 - Crystal Ride (planned)

6/2/2012 - Ride Sally Ride Criterium (CAT5, 25 of 46 Pack Finish)
5/23/2012 - Greenbelt Training Race (CAT5, 20th of 24.. David Miller scares me)
5/12/2012 - Poolesville Road Race (CAT5, 39th)
4/21/2012 - All American Road Race (Masters 35+ Cat 5, 31st)
4/15/2012 - Carl Dolan Memorial  (Cat 5A, 19th)

2011 Season
8/7/2011 - Luray Criterium (Cat5 DNF. Second worst day ever)
8/6/2011 - Page Valley Road Race (Cat5 DNF. Worst day ever)
8/5/2011 - Showdown at Shenandoah Speedway (Cat5, 8th .. of 9)
7/27/2011 - Greenbelt Training Race (Cat5, 14th)
7/13/2011 - Greenbelt Training Race (Cat5, 11th)
6/29/2011 - Greenbelt Training Race (Cat5, 18th)
6/25/2011 - Reston Grand Prix (Cat5, 30th)
6/12/2011 - Crystal Ride (Team GC Velo, completed 8 Laps / 100KM)